Wednesday, January 29, 2014

OT: Next.

I really should be working right now. But it's late and I'm tired and I'm probably going to hit the 65-70 hour mark this week anyway so screw that.

I am going to write.

The past two weeks have been crazy as busy season, for me, starts off not at a walk but at a sprint. No time to ease my way into the icy waters of disgusting amounts of billable hours, living in hotel rooms, and eating 3 meals a day in some place that is not your kitchen. The only option is to jump in head first.

So that explains my delinquency.

To pick up where I left off, I had gone out for drinks with a guy who I knew through a mutual friend. Talking to someone new in a bar was difficult, as I knew it would be. Every other word was, "huh?" or "what did you say?" However, my date(-ish?) was cute and made an effort to start a conversation with me. He had a "grown up" job and didn't live with his parents. He bought my wine. He stayed for 2 hours and then left a little after midnight. Basically he checked a lot of my boxes, although not the height one. That one is still evading me, sneaky little bastard. Basically, I thought it went well.

Until he didn't text me back. Or call. Or say it was nice to meet you but I'm not interested. Or anything.

I needed closure. I am a creature of closure. I hate not getting this. I decided to conjure up my own closure: he didn't text me back. This means one of two things: he is either rude or a bad communicator. Both of which I need to avoid. Closure = complete.

On to the next.

Last Friday, I awoke in my hotel room and checked my social media, like I do every morning, to find that I had a Facebook notification. I had posted a lot of pictures over the weekend, so I assumed it was related to them.

It was not.

It was someone I knew from high school. Asking me out to dinner. This is not the kind of thing I am prepared for at 6am.

Needless to say, I did not respond until after lunch. I needed to poll my friends, my sister, my Oma, etc. Basically my most trusted advisers. I got mixed reviews, which was not helpful. I had to take into consideration that I would be breaking the "no dating people from Point Peasant" rule. Also worthy of note was that our moms know each other and I'm pretty sure we witnessed each other go through puberty. Did I really want to go out on a date with someone who had that much dirt on me?

I concluded that I should probably go. It's part of the "have an open mind" thing that I'm trying. Also, it takes a lot of balls to ask a girl out. I thought he at least deserved a date for that.

Score so far: Lauryn - 0, Cupid/God/Master of the Universe - 2

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