Sunday, February 9, 2014

OT: A-Game

First dates are like interviews. You need to look presentable, be on time, and your breath should not be remotely funky. You also should not make any odd requests (i.e ask for a bagel - true story) and you should certainly be self-sufficient enough to find the place and come prepared.
This leads into a huge pet peeve of mine.
In my last relationship, I wore the pants. I was the initiator, the decision maker, the responsible party. I was the offeror of ideas, the conversation starter, and the person who made sure all of the bills got paid on time. I was the one who had it all together.
I am sick of being that person.
I will always be "Type A" and, yes, I like to be organized. But I also like to be fun and spontaneous. Problem is, I will sacrifice the latter for the former, which is why I need someone who is willing to bear their share of the weight and be independent enough to take it in strides. This way, I can be organized and fun at the same time.
On a first date, you need to bring your A-game. This date is the prerequisite of all to come and behavior on said date will only be magnified on future outings. I am a little old fashioned in the sense that I believe the man should handle the first date. The less fair of the sexes should pick the place and time. They should be able to choose a decent wine without it seeming like a foreign language, should not make any odd requests or broach any touchy subjects, and definitely should not reveal anything of themselves that is less than their best. Honestly, the only things they should be asking the girl for are her number, a second date, and maybe a kiss. And on number three there, I don't even believe in asking for that, either (don't be a pussy, just do it).
I cannot believe I just said the "p" word.
And, yes, they should pay. Sorry, guys.
Someone I know recently said that they would be scared to date me because of how I feel about dating and requirements, so to speak. To that I replied that I only hold others to the same standard I hold myself. Why would dating my potential future husband lie outside of those standards? If anything, it is maybe more important than everything that it fits within these standards.
I am not looking for a perfect person or someone who checks ten out of ten boxes. I am just looking for someone who doesn't lean on me like a crutch and has their shit together. I am looking for someone who is confident and can handle themselves without me having to hold their hand. I am basically looking for myself in male form. Is that conceited?
If it is, I don't really care.

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