Sunday, April 20, 2014

OT: Busy Season is Dead and Bad Tan Lines in Florida

There is so much that has happened over the past two months, none of which I can tell you. I know that must be infuriating.
Actually, most of which I can't tell you.
I'm writing this as I'm siting on the deck of my grandmother's ocean-side cottage on the west coast of Florida. Post-busy season treat to myself, you see. I am, in so many ways, an extroverted person. This is all a bad cover-up, though. Really, I could sit on this deck by myself forever and write and listen to Bon Iver and the ocean. I belong here, by the ocean. As much as I try to stuff it down and cover it with business woman, once-upon-a-time Manhattanite, and self-proclaimed fancy-pants, I can't hide it. Not when you really get a good look at me.
I'm not sure whether I'm looking forward to going back to New Jersey or not. I am, because I miss my people and my dog, my house and my bed; I'm not because it's extremely nice to only have to think of yourself for once. It's so much simpler. And, to top it off, I actually managed to read a non-accounting related book cover to cover. The later is nice, but I wouldn't trade it for the former. Selfishness is only good in small quantities, I figure.
Things I can tell you? I can tell you that busy season's over, thank god, and that I have resumed my previous position as home-owner and do-it-yourself'er. Everyone has to have a vice, right? Mine is Pinterest. Whether this is out of actual interest or necessity, I'm not sure. When you are nearly 25 (yikes) and have a dog and a house to care for all by yourself, you tend to to put this....poor crafty. Two super-awesome benches made out of cinder blocks and 2x2's? I'll take it!! That will be $50 well spent, in my opinion. Throw in a fire pit and I may never leave my backyard.
That is my goal for this summer, by the way. To make my backyard magical. Screw the front yard. Who hangs out in the front yard? I will save that for next year and for when I am an official grown-up and on the down slope to 30. But the backyard? Or, rather, the tiny minuscule plot of grass that I call the backyard? It will be gloriously awesome.
So far my accomplishments towards this goal include (1) visiting the Lowe's and demonstrating that I know absolutely jack about grass...or planting grass...or grass seed; (2) raking the icky mossiness that is covering the backyard, or part of it; (3) putting down lime, grass seed, and fertilizer with a spreader...which took me 20 minutes to figure out how to use; and (4) watering the stuff (and praying for rain) in hopes of it actually growing.
I fly home from Florida Tuesday morning. Hopefully, the stars will align and I will see tiny, stubby, grass-looking things sprouting from the ground upon arrival. Cross your fingers for me.
Side note: I have a black thumb.